Convection Microwaves: The New Must-Have

Did you know that Friedman’s started as a microwave store? About 20 years ago, microwaves were one of the hottest selling appliances and many retailers across the country were just microwave stores. It’s amazing how things have changed. While Friedman’s now offers everything you need for your kitchen and laundry room, it’s time to show off one of the most amazing microwave innovations in years – the convection microwave.

These days a convection microwave is a must-have for anyone that loves the convenience of a microwave and the cooking style of a convection oven. Convection microwaves have so many benefits that it’s easy to see why they’re so popular.

One of the biggest benefits of a convection microwave is that it cooks food easily and quickly. You get the speed of a microwave, but the taste of a convection oven. Another benefit is that a convection microwave can cook and bake food, unlike a traditional microwave that is used just to heat or reheat food. Plus, it allows you to brown foods. They have two sets of controls, one for the microwave function and the other for the convection oven.

The convection microwave has a fan that circulates hot air to cook food instead of waves like a traditional microwave. Because the hot air circulates around the food, it cooks quicker than a conventional oven. Plus, it stays at a fixed temperature, so it works better than a regular microwave, producing food that is crispy, browned, and evenly cooked through. It also functions at a lower temperature than a traditional oven, which saves energy. You can even cook roasts, pizza, cakes, pies, and cookies in a convection microwave, which is another benefit since you can’t cook these items in a traditional microwave.

If you don’t have a convection microwave, check out the new one from Electrolux next time you’re shopping for a microwave. Once you see it, you’ll definitely want to add it to your wish list! It really makes cooking and baking so much easier.


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