4 Steps to get Exposure on Houzz

Houzz.com is the largest database of design and decorating ideas on the web. Do you have a professional Houzz profile? If not, maybe you should. Through your Houzz profile, homeowners can view photos, idea books, reviews, and contact information, giving you an avenue to get your name in front of potential clients. Recently, Deepa Mungara from Houzz shared four steps designers can follow to increase their exposure on Houzz, and we thought we’d share with you the steps she presented.

Step 1: Complete your professional profile

Be sure to add in as many details as you can because the more information you have, the more searchable you become. Use keywords that homeowners would use to search for when looking for a designer. Including information such as the detailed services you provide, areas you serve, and job costs are valuable. It’s important to be honest about your job costs, but be careful not to scare anyone off. Adding up to five cover photos is essential because it can display a variety of work for different projects. Also, use your personal photo for the profile photo instead of your logo; it’ll make you more personable and approachable.

Step 2: Upload photos of your work

More homeowners find professionals through photos, not searching the directory, so be sure to organize your photos by projects and add interesting titles to engage homeowners. Using large photos that are at least 2400 pixels will ensure your photos are high quality and clearly viewable. Including descriptions and keywords for each is important because they’ll make your photos more searchable. If you didn’t take the photos, make sure you give credit to the photographer. If many of your photos haven’t been added to idea books, add more keywords. If you have “before” and “after” photos, make sure you classify the “before” photos, so Houzz can tag them with a banner making them unsearchable. Make sure you don’t add any keywords to the “before” photos either. To make your photos even more searchable, organize your kitchen and bath projects in categories or facets. One example is if your project was done for a u-shaped kitchen, then you can move that project into a u-shaped kitchen facet. This makes your photos easy to find when homeowners are searching for u-shaped kitchens.

Step 3: Get reviews

Reviews add credibility, so email clients and colleagues to ask them for reviews. You can send them a link of your profile and they can hit the “review me” button. Houzz can help you with your reviews by customizing a personal email that includes a button that takes you to your reviews. It even allows you to see who got the email and who responded to it. There’s also a paper review form that Houzz offers that your clients can fill out and mail back.

Step 4: Link your personal website to your Houzz profile by adding a badge

Adding a badge is the final step when completing your profile. Once your profile is complete, you get a boost in the search from Houzz.

Following these simple steps should help get you more exposure on Houzz.com and increase the number of clients you service. Plus, it’s a really great way for clients and potential clients to see your work. Click to learn about additional tools Houzz.com can offer you.

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