5 Essential Steps for a Holiday-Ready Kitchen

Recipe box

We won’t say it because you likely already have the countdown clock ticking away in the back of your mind. Yes, we’re talking about the holidays. If you’re expecting guests this season, either overnight or to simply share a meal, you may be fretting about the prep work. Well, friend, take some deep breaths and roll up your sleeves. Here are five simple yet essential steps for a flawless holiday-ready kitchen. Knock these out now, and the rest of the season will be smooth sailing. Here we go …

Start with a fresh canvas.

Whether you hire someone to perform a pre-holiday deep clean or you do it yourself, this is step No. 1 in creating a fresh foundation from which all else will be built. Wipe down hand-smudged cabinets, scrub baseboards, clean the appliances inside and out, get rid of countertop clutter, and replace any dirty dish towels and sponges.

Take inventory of your dishes and flatware.

Gone may be the days of breaking out the fine China and polishing the silver for holiday meals, but the crucial inventory step is still necessary. Ensure you have enough place settings to accommodate all of your guests, and replace any items that may chipped or broken. Don’t forget to take stock of your glassware, too!

Check your inventory in the pantry and fridge.

As your list of recipes grows ever longer with baked goods, side dishes, and all of the accoutrements to make your holiday meal a smashing success, it’s also time to take inventory. There’s no need to buy a complete set of spices when you still have unexpired ones in your spice drawer. On the flip side, make sure you have enough flour and sugar to whip up that family-favorite holiday dessert. Ensure you have all the essentials in-house or on the shopping list, and you’ll have everything at your fingertips when it’s time to put on the apron and get cooking.

Sharpen up!

Odds are high you’ll be carving, slicing, and chopping everything from turkey to tomatoes. Make sure your knives are up to the challenge by giving them each a solid sharpening. Whether you choose an electric sharpener or a manual one, this piece is an investment that will pay for itself time and again.

Be your guest.

This is a handy exercise to practice anywhere your guests may spend time while at your home — from the guest room to the restroom. In terms of the kitchen, though, visit your kitchen in both the daylight and at night with your guest hat on. Do you have everything a guest may want in an easy-to-find space? No one wants to bug the host for every little thing. Consider creating a small but tasteful basket with essentials — coffee filters, sweetener, wine opener, etc. And what if your guest needs a glass of water in the middle of the night? Ensure there are functioning nightlights or light-up light switches so they can easily and safely navigate the kitchen.

By taking these simple steps before the holidays arrive, you’ll save yourself time and energy while leaving space to truly enjoy the people who make the season so very special. 


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