One of the greatest things about new Friedman’s website is that it now has a blog. You can find the blog in the ideas and innovations section of the site. The blog is great because it includes a wide variety of topics and is broken down into five categories: fresh ideas, designer insights; maintenance tips, brand reviews, and pro tip videos.
The fresh ideas section includes articles on cleaning, kitchens, outdoors, and recipes. The designer insights articles focus on design trends. The maintenance tips include information about cooking, dishwashers, laundry, grills, refrigerators, and Russell’s professional tip. The brand reviews are great because you can find out which brands specialize in kitchen, laundry, and grills, and what each brand is known for. The professional tip videos that will be coming soon will be another great source of information.
The blog is a great resource for homeowners, designers, and builders. Visit the blog for some great tips, ideas and useful information.