Save Money with a Second Fridge

Whether you’re hosting a holiday bash or a casual weekend barbecue, do you always feel like there isn’t enough room in your refrigerator to accommodate these parties? With all the appetizers, meats, desserts, and drinks, you just can’t fit everything in the fridge. Plus, don’t forget about all the leftovers. In this case, it may be time to add a second fridge to your household. Many homeowners keep their old fridge and use it as a second fridge, but the problem with that is that these old refrigerators cost much more in electrical bills. You can save hundreds of dollars in electrical bills by replacing an old fridge with an energy-efficient model. Plus, you’ll help the environment by reducing greenhouse gases.

Since second refrigerators are rarely filled to capacity, getting a smaller unit is a good idea. It’ll cost less and take up less room. If you don’t need an ice-maker or water dispenser, getting a fridge without these options will save you money by using less electricity as well. Top-freezer models are great because they use 10 to 25 percent less electricity than a side-by-side fridge. If you’re looking for a second fridge for your basement or garage, GE has some great new refrigerators that come in 15, 16, and 18-cubic feet, making it easy to find the perfect size for your home. Plus, they meet the new energy efficiency standards and are cost-effective, so these models can pay for themselves with energy savings in less than three years.

Come visit Friedman’s to check out the new GE refrigerators. They’ll definitely make entertaining easier and they’ll be kind to your electrical bill as well.

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