
Tips to Prolong the Life of Your Appliances

Tips to Prolong the Life of Your Appliances

At the beginning of a new year, it's a great idea to take care of your appliances. After all, they will have just been through two of the biggest cooking holidays. Make yourself a note to take care of them after the holidays because maintaining your appliances is...

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Preparing Early for the Holiday Cooking Test

Preparing Early for the Holiday Cooking Test

Are you really ready? Are you ready for the relatives, the friends and the mountains of food? Your cooking abilities and the demand of cooking casseroles, meats, and side items will test your patience and your appliances. Don’t ruin your holidays when you realize at...

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A Star Is Born

A Star Is Born

When you see this sign you might have a specific brand in mind.  What you are not prepared for is one of the most innovative ovens in the kitchen.  There is so much more to cooking and in a completely new way. The blue star image has become synonymous with...

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